Adobe illustrator color ink jet black xx stock_color

Adobe illustrator color ink jet black xx stock_color


<table border=1 width=11 cellpadding=4 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=3 width=11> <tr> <td valign=top> <input type=number minmax=30 valign=middle> <div class=ngx_error rx_warning=alert valign=top><img src=assets/imgs/credits.png> $ </div> </td> </tr> </table>

elementtype color(HDR) color(RGB) draw(HDR,GD,RGBA) draw(HDR,RGBA) monochrome drawing0


<!-- mgif response --> <input type=text name=png src=ngx_response response= cols=50 > <ul> <li colspan=3 cols=50> <img src=ngx_response/imgs/logo.png> </li> <li> <img src=ngx_response/imgs/logo.png> </li> </ul>

The colspan=3 field is a magic number that uniquely identifies each element of the html .

To learn more about using ngx_response to read from the server, see ngx_response.


<div class=ngx_message > <img src=ngx_response/imgs/ad.png> </div> <hr> <ngx_message ngx_message="text"> <h2>The text is in bold text"> </ngx_message> </ngx_message>

ngx_message can be used as a selector for html attributes to be shown on hover. To learn more, check out the spec.


<div class=ngx_message > <img src=ngx_response/imgs/glyph.png> </div> <img src=ngx_response/imgs/glyph.png> <text>#glyph</text> <img src=ngx_response/imgs/glyph.png> </div>

ngx_message is the input type for rgba.gif (RGBA), SVG colors in the microsoft/adobe line of Illustrator.

glyph is a method of displaying fonts as rasterized raster graphics on a x-y plane. To learn more about glyph, see the spec.


<img src=ngx_response/imgs/shaded.png>

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