What is Logo Design?


What is Logo Design?

Login to the home of all things logo-related and we’ll show you how to design a brilliant personal logo to market your business

I've launched my new business. What should I do?

If your business is new and you want to gain traction and spread the word about your brilliant idea you'll need to create a fantastic brand identity and introduce it to the world. Here's a quick checklist of the most important steps.

I have a logo I don't like. What do I do?

Check out our guide to the design elements that make your logo pop.

What does brand identity mean?

Brand identity is the act of defining your company and the identity of your products and services in as much detail as possible. Whether you're a start-up or a multi-national firm, brand identity will help your customers and the general public to make informed decisions about your company and products. Find out more about brand identity.

Why do I need to design a logo?

Well, maybe because you want to be a great graphic designer? Well, maybe not.

Regardless of your own personal desire to design a great logo, some simple facts speak for themselves.

Only an incredibly small proportion of businesses who invest in design will ever get a logo that can be perceived as well or better than that of their competitors. You'll be far better off saving money and investing your time in things that will yield a greater return.

A logo is your first point of contact with the world.

Everyone you meet in the workplace, the shops you shop in, the members of the public who pass you in the street will know a logo when they see it. You'll be the 'thing' that stands out

You're presenting yourself as an expert.

You've probably seen the career progression online. The graphic design graduate gets a job working at an agency or a retail store. During their apprenticeship, the graduate works on branding strategy. After that they graduate to working in the field, designing logos and selling the products and services of their clients. It's very much about positioning yourself as an expert in your field.

And there's the rub. You'll need to produce a logo which is, to some extent, so different that it transcends marketing and becomes its own identifier.

One of the simplest and most common mistakes in logo design is to think about a logo as if it were just a simple graphic. When you see a great logo, it will appear as much an expression of the brand as the words written on its surface.

So what's your next step?

Watch the video above, or head over to logo design site, Brandi. It's super-easy to get started on designing a great logo, and you'll learn about the many facets of logo design including graphic design, typography, photography, print design and so much more.

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