What is Gass Fan?

What is Gass Fan?

lol I had to put in these ear bud things to listen to the music, and they fall out when I'm walking.

The music is irritating, but I can't work with the ear buds in.

My fingernails are gross and all over the place.

Plus I've been munching on a lemon (about every 3 hours now) so my fingers are bruised.

I got that lemon after I took the goats to the vet, just walking out of their pen, and then a car backfired and scared them into the barn.

I was like, "Goats!

I'll come back and get you later."

When I went back to get them they were in the mudroom but didn't want to go in there.

I had to try to pick them up and bring them in.

I'm sore from all the time I've been walking and dragging myself around.

My birthday is Monday.

Just one of those "by the numbers" birthdays.

I'll be 28.

In my mind I'm still 17, so it doesn't bother me to be old.

I'm in the home stretch.

Posted in Goals,

Towards the end of last month my budgeting spreadsheet showed I had $17. 67 for groceries for 3 days.

Totally doable.

Since I didn't budget for groceries the whole month I was freaking out a bit.

Today, I have $16. 71 for 3 days.

Still doable.

I'm looking for sales and deals and shopping smarter.

It's going to be weird eating out for lunch because I think I know better than to feed the kids crap.

My goal is to eat the same thing for lunch for 6 days in a row.

That's about $7, so basically double what I have left for groceries, except a gallon of milk I'll use later.

I have enough milk for the next week or so, which will be fine.

We do buy eggs, and we don't eat as many as I used to.

I'm going to try to cut back even more on the amount of eggs we buy.

They're cheaper than flour, but still more expensive than butter and eggs.

I'm going to have to spend $8 on the rest of the groceries and I already have everything I need for the 3 days.

(except greek yogurt for one of the days and applesauce and grapes for the 2nd day).

It was weird.

I had a shopping list and everything, and went and started shopping and the list wasn't there.

My first thought was, "Wow.

Did I leave it at home?

Did I forget to take it?"

It's not a complicated list.

It's just a lot of stuff I buy all the time and haven't shopped for in a while.

Plus I've been trying to eat better and go without a lot of things.

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