How to Twirl Text in Adobe Photoshop


How to Twirl Text in Adobe Photoshop

We have covered many useful features of Photoshop’s Text Effects, but now we are going to be covering Twirl Text Effects. Twirl Text Effects has been around for a while and it is extremely easy to add it to your text. Just select any object in the document and double click to activate it. Here we have added a Petal Flower to our Beach scene.

At this point you can adjust the Twirl Text Effects of the Petal Flower to give it some sparkle. But that would take a little work. Let’s be simple and grab the Twirl Text Effects option from the File menu and drag it over the Petal Flower.

Select the Twirl Text Effects option from the File menu and drag it over the Petal Flower.

Twirl Text Effects in Action

Beach Water Lily Waterdrops

We have finally arrived at the Twirl Text Effects. It is very much like the word motion and gives you amazing results. You can create a really cool effect of Waterdrops by using Twirl Text Effects. To create the effect, select your Waterdrop in your document and right click.

Select the Twirl Text Effects option from the File menu and drag it over the Waterdrop.

Select the Twirl Text Effects option from the File menu and drag it over the Waterdrop.

Using Twirl Text Effects to create a Tiled Effect –

It is great to have such features in Photoshop that can make your work so much easier. However sometimes you don’t have the skills or talent to use Photoshop to its full potential. In such case you will have to use one of the many great tools available in the market to give you the effects that you want. In this tutorial, we will be using the Text Applier Tool to create the Tiled Text Effect using Twirl Text Effects. You can use this tool to make any text textured and unique.

So if you don’t want to work on the actual text, you can use Text Applier to create the text pattern. For this tutorial we have created a scene in Photoshop using Snow, Beach Water and Twirl Text Effects. The water drops can be used to make a lot of other textures. We can create a textured beach sandstorm by using this technique. So the Text Applier Tool will be used in this technique to create different text effects.

To create the Text Applier, click on File > New > Text Applier.

Give it a name, and select the Text tool from the toolbox.

Click on the circles at the bottom of the tool and change their color to get the matching tone color.

Now add text to the text tool. It is actually as simple as that. When you add text to the Text Applier Tool, it instantly fills the text.

Now, select the Beach Water Lily Waterdrops and move it to the bottom of the canvas.

Select the Twirl Text Effects option from the File menu and drag it over the Waterdrop.

Select the Twirl Text Effects option from the File menu and drag it over the Waterdrop.

Select the Text Applier tool and start pressing the keys in order to rotate, blur and stretch the water drops.

Now select the Image, Crop Tool, Object > Transform > Scale and Space from the toolbox to get the different transform type settings.

It is time to add more text to our water drop. Select the Waterdrop Object from the Toolbox and use the Text Applier to add more text.

Now, you are ready to create a tiled text that is on two panels. Select the beach water droplet and move it to the top of the canvas.

You can create a tiled effect by dragging the Waterdrop to the top, or you can also drag the Waterdrop object to the left of the canvas.

Now, drag the Waterdrop Object to the right of the canvas to create the tiled effect.

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